Raglan Academy of Havening

The Raglan Academy of Havening exists to serve the Raglan community and wider areas of Aotearoa. Our Raglan trainees provide low-cost Havening care to community members in Raglan and many other centres. See below to find a trainee.
For full details of our Havening Training, please visit this page. If you prefer to seek training elsewhere, you can contact Julia Kurusheva in Auckland or Michelle Dalley in Wellington. Both are excellent trainers and their details can be found at havening.org.
All of our students are trained in Raglan by Dr Robin Youngson, Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner and Trainer. The initial training is a five-day program in Raglan, followed by coaching and supervision of trainees as they progress towards certification. All trainees also have to sit and pass a science exam. Many of our trainees achieve remarkable results with clients and we are proud to offer this service to our community. Dr Youngson provides detailed supervision and coaching for every client session and so the community is gaining the benefit of his expertise and training. Thus far, there are only about forty Certified Havening Techniques Trainers in the world, with three in New Zealand.
If you are a community member looking for low-cost care from one of our trainees, please see the listing below. They are based in Raglan and other communities around New Zealand. Havening can be done in-person or over a video connection.
Their contact details are listed. Our trainees come from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and all are passionate about bringing Havening to the community. Our trainees include people with backgrounds in many other therapies and practices so there is a rich array of talents to serve our community.
Please support our Academy
For six years, Dr Youngson has provided free care to hundreds of Raglan residents without charging a fee, simply asking for a donation according to means. The demand for that care is now overwhelming his capacity. Henceforth, Dr Youngson will be serving the community through the work of his trainees, by providing close supervision of their care. This expands the number of practitioners able to support the community.