1. Raglan residents seeking care from Dr Youngson

Dr Youngson is offering care to Raglan residents on a no-fee (koha) basis, with appointments limited to Fridays.

If you want to book an appointment any other day, you must pay the fee (currently $200 per session)

There is no expectation of payment but please consider making a donation if you can afford it, so that I can sustain this service for those who have few resources. I receive referrals, from counsellors and other professionals, about clients who deserve free access to care. I have a koha box for anonymous cash payments in my clinic, or you can donate by online banking, please make payment to Rebelheart Limited 38-9018-0600793-00

If you are a new client, you must register with the clinic before you book an appointment. All the links are on the Appointments Page

2. New clients from the Raglan community seeking low-cost care

Appointments are now being offered by Havening Trainees from the Raglan Academy of Havening, who have completed a Havening Techniques training course and are now practising under Dr Youngson’s supervision. Please go to this page to choose your practitioner and to learn how this service works.

3. Compassionate care for those most in need in the Raglan community

If you know someone who is desperate for help, is at risk, and has no resources, please contact me directly. You can call or txt me on 021 660 344 or send an email to robin@neuroscienceofhealing.com

4. Those who can afford to pay

If you can afford to pay for care, then you are helping to subsidise the services we offer to the Raglan community.

Please go to the Appointments Page to:

  1. Register as a new client
  2. Book your paid appointment