What if you could effortlessly erase your traumatic memories?

What if you could leave behind the burdens of your past?

What if you could banish anxiety from your life?

What if you could erase the causes of chronic stress and depression?

What if you could discover a profound sense of self-worth and confidence?

What if you could transform your personal relationships?

What if you could be happy and resilient?

What if you could become the very best version of yourself?

As a doctor and therapist, this is what I believe about you:

  • I believe that you have extraordinary powers of self-healing.
  • I believe you can be free of your past.
  • I believe that you have an intuitive healing wisdom that will guide you on your healing journey, at a pace that is safe for you, and which allows healing to unfold in the most beautiful way.
  • I believe that you have a true compassionate self just waiting to shine.
  • I believe that you can find your innate sense of self-worth, a knowledge that you deserve love, and a way of being that reflects your best qualities.

Why do I believe these things? Why do I love every session of therapy I do with every client? Why does this work fill me with so much positive energy, awe and gratitude?

Firstly, I know the science. We all intuitively know that a horrible event can traumatize us in a matter of minutes. The astonishing discovery is that this trauma can also be erased within minutes. The same mechanism that encodes trauma in the brain can be rapidly reversed to heal the trauma. As a doctor, I am stunned with this discovery.

Secondly, I see these wonderful changes in my clients every week in my clinic. I am amazed at the rapidity of healing. No effort is required. We simply work together to create a place of deep safety – a haven – where trauma can heal itself. I have no need to create elaborate strategies for your therapy, my job is to maintain a compassionate presence, to sense change, to be fully present, and to encourage the emergence of your best self. My clients truly shine! I sit there in awe.

How does therapy work? We start right where you are. For my most vulnerable clients, I do nothing except take you to a place of deep calm and safety. I remember one client with a terrible anxiety disorder and panic attacks; she had lived like that for twenty years, never feeling safe. At the end of our first session of therapy, she cried in my arms. She couldn’t believe it, she felt so calm and safe, suddenly she had hope.

In other clients, we can go straight to the root of the problem, rapidly erasing the trauma that haunted them. Sometimes a severe phobia is gone in one session. Most clients attend for four or six session, as their journey of healing unfolds.

Often clients have no idea where to start. They don’t know why they feel the way they do, it’s not clear what past events may have shaped them. Indeed, it’s usually the case that events in early life don’t leave a conscious memory, even though they may leave imprints in the brain that shape our responses.

So we work together to unpeel the layers of trauma, starting right where you are. I might do some detective work to identify important life events but I want to emphasize that you never have to tell the story of your trauma, I don’t need to know the details, I never want to re-traumatize you.

I adapt and choose different techniques and sense the change in you. In every single session I ensure that you finish in a safe and calm state and, as the therapy progresses, I witness your best qualities shining through.


To book an appointment, click here.

Be sure to watch the video at the bottom of my Appointments Page – you get to meet me and to learn what the process will be.

To learn more about Havening, click here.