We have all seen the pictures and videos from hospitals in Italy, a hospital system completely overwhelmed by the Coronavirus pandemic. Already, hospitals across Europe and the USA are facing the same grim circumstance. Health professionals are bearing the brunt of this terrible onslaught: fear, exhaustion, grief, overwhelm and images that haunt us.
Free support for health professionals traumatised by COVID-19

Dr Robin Youngson
I am an anesthesiologist working until the last few days in a public hospital in New Zealand. I am also trained and certified as a trauma therapist and I have a clinic where I help many people rapidly recover from emotional trauma, anxiety, and PTSD, using the latest neuroscience-based techniques.
I am here to help you – for free.
I know what its like to work 50 hours in ICU without a break. I’ve had days when patient after patient died despite my best efforts. I’ve been so exhausted, I didn’t know if I was dreaming that I was in the hospital, or was actually on duty trying to stay awake. But none of this occurred when I was afraid for my own life, and the safety of my family. This is what we now face.

I offer free video consultations to traumatised health workers. You will first need to register as a client and then book a free video appointment. You will find the links on my Appointments Page.
Alternatively, you can use my free, online self-healing programs listed below (click on the +/- to open and close sections)
Take ten minutes each morning to reduce anxiety, increase your resilience, and protect yourself from burnout. This practice will also boost your immune function by reducing stress. This video can be downloaded to your own device for unlimited use.
View and download here.
Rapidly change your brain state with this amazing psycho-sensory technique. Within 30 seconds, the stress-related Gamma waves in your brain will be replaced with high level of healing Delta waves. Stress hormones will decrease and immune function will improve.
View and download the practice here.
I offer free, guided, online healing sessions for health professionals:
- Erase your traumatic memory
- Unburden your negative emotions
- How compassion can protect and sustain you
All my free programs are available on Teachable here.