Photo credit: Sarah Chai
Are you a struggling mum?
Emotions all over the place?
Feeling numb?
Always anxious about your baby.
Can’t breathe, heart pounding?
Can’t sleep?
Feeling disconnected and alone?
I can help you get your feet back on the ground.
Tame those emotions, calm your nervous system.
And be the best, most loving mum to your child.
Maybe you feel like you are going crazy? People want to give you a diagnosis like anxiety or depression. What if you never get better?
But what if there’s nothing wrong with you?
What if you are just in survival mode after a traumatic birth experience?
What if this is normal?
Up to one third of mums have traumatic experiences during childbirth. And that trauma can explain all your symptoms.
The good news is that 80% of mums, just like you, can find complete relief after just one session of Havening (results from my own research with 30 mums).
This is what my clients say:
“I cannot begin to describe how much my mental health has improved since seeing you. I used to go to work with debilitating anxiety and wake up with stomach pains every morning. I don’t any longer. I was able to discuss my birth plan and aspirations with my midwife without crying, and talk specifics without being haunted by my first birth. It’s a very liberating feeling.”
“I really feel that the healings have helped me and i am extremely grateful. During the birth of my son 3 years ago, my midwife took photos. I haven’t been able to look at them and the thought of them sent me into an emotional spin. Last night I decided to look at them and spent about 20mins studying them, with no trauma related emotion. I saw completely different things and I actually had happy tears! I was able to see the birth in a completely different light. It was amazing!”
“I have finally been able to tap into the joy of having my son. After 20 years of not being able to think about one of the most precious days of my life, Havening has taken that trauma away, totally. Now I can think of the excitement of his impending arrival and the awe and wonder of him once we brought him home.”
“Pretty amazing! I feel like that was my body releasing so much stuff! But last night I had the best sleep ever! And feel like I’ve had a huge break through. I do know for a fact, that Havening had a huge impact on my mental and emotional well-being. I was smiling from the inside out.”
Hi, I’m Dr Robin Youngson, an award-winning medical specialist who quit his career in medicine to better help people just like you. I retrained as a trauma therapist, using the latest neuroscience-based healing method – called Havening – to help people let go of their trauma and get their lives back.
I understand what you have been through. In three decades of working as an anaesthetist I have helped thousands of women have safe, healing birth experiences. But I also know that our medicalised childbirth system can be very traumatising for mums who dreamed of having natural, safe and joyful births – just as nature intended.
How do you know you have been traumatised?
Just check the tick-boxes…
✔︎ You felt deeply vulnerable
✔︎ More and more things went wrong
✔︎ You felt alone
✔︎ Events became deeply distressing
✔︎ You were made to feel powerless
Your nervous system perceived the situation as a threat so it stored every part of your experience as a traumatic memory in an attempt to warn you in the future. And this trauma is hard-wired into your nervous system to cause triggered emotions, inescapable stress, horrible memories and flashbacks, and negative self-beliefs. That’s what trauma is. It leaves your nervous system on high-alert, anxious, hypervigilant; you feel trapped and powerless again. No wonder you feel anxious and depressed.
That’s why counselling and psychology – helpful though they are – don’t solve the problem.
But the brain is smart: it evolved mechanisms to create trauma but also to erase it – in a matter of minutes.
And how do you feel when the trauma is suddenly erased?
☺️ Light. laughing in relief, disbelieving!
☺️ Calm and relaxed
☺️ Sleeping well again
☺️ Renewed joy in the connection with your baby
☺️ Feeling like yourself again.
The process of healing is light-hearted and fun. No effort is required because your brain is designed to heal.
This is the most joyful work I do – I just love it!
Not only does it make an astonishing difference to the lives of mums, it also ensures that your baby feels secure and calm as well – crucial for their emotional development. This is an enormous gift to your child – and your partner.
How do I know it works?
I’ve used this same technique in over a thousand clients, with satisfying results. I did a research trial involving 30 mums who came to my clinic. Almost all of them had actual PTSD. You can read the results here.
Also, Havening is unique in that it’s based on a detailed scientific theory of exactly how trauma is stored in the brain – and where – and how it can be quickly erased.
To learn more about me, how Havening works, and what the therapy involves, watch the video below.