Chapter One:

‘Choosing a better life’

When life is just an ongoing struggle, you can feel trapped with no space to make choices. Being stuck in chronic negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, hurt, or anger means that you are in the grip of emotional brain programming from the past that takes away your power.

Worse still, when you are anxious and stressed, your sensory systems switch into a survival mode where the sole focus of your nervous system is potential risk. Your brain no longer perceives opportunities and doesn’t notice the good things in life.

The chronic stress takes a toll on your physical health. You feel exhausted, you don’t sleep well, your body aches. Your digestion plays up, you get sick more often, and you become prone to addictions which add to the toll on your health.

I can show you how to get out of this trap. Your negative emotions are largely the result of your past emotional trauma. This book shares an amazing new scientific discovery: that you have a mechanism in the brain that can rapidly delete traumatic events from your memory, thus freeing you from the past.

Some of my clients are so haunted by one traumatic event – such as a violent attack or rape – that they never feel safe. Yet fifteen minutes of guided self-healing can literally erase the trauma from their brain so they are freed from their past. It’s as if the terrible event never happened. The fear is gone.

I have seen clients cured of severe anxiety disorders and PTSD. Depression can be banished when the underlying trauma is identified and healed. Broken relationships are healed when the inbuilt fears of abandonment or betrayal are erased.

Sometimes chronic pain and physical illness is the direct consequence of emotional trauma. Heal the trauma and the pain and illness vanish.

When your trauma is healed, you no longer experience the emotional reactions and stress responses that trap you in life struggles. The many situations and people that used to trigger your anxiety, anger or hurt no longer have any power over you. You can step forward calmly and confidently.

Suddenly you have power to make choices again. Imagine how liberating that would be!

Life possibilities open up. You see things more clearly. You perceive many opportunities that were hidden before. You gain the power to make plans and decisions. You realize how much of the world you saw was created by your own attitudes and beliefs. Now the world looks very different.

Do you really want your power back? Are you ready to be responsible for your life? This is the first choice that you have to make. It’s a major life decision. If you are ready, I’m here for you.

This book is for those who say, ‘I choose a better me!

Why I love this work so much

Many of my clients really struggle in life, and not through lack of trying to get their lives back on track. I see clients like you who invest in their health, who eat good food, exercise regularly, go to yoga classes, they have good friends – but somehow their struggles go on. Many have sought counseling or therapy, often without much relief.

Imagine what a pleasure it is to give people hope again: to show how this new science explains your life difficulties, to let you know it’s not your fault, to describe how your brain can rapidly heal trauma, and then to demonstrate your self-healing capacity.

Most of my clients are astonished by the end of their first session in my clinic. A memory that haunted them is simply erased. An overwhelming burden of negative emotions is lifted. Their phobia is cured.

Of course, many clients have layers of trauma, starting early in life. So we can begin a patient and gentle process to heal that trauma, layer by layer, over a number of sessions. My clients see the changes happening in their lives; they notice their anxiety reducing, their hurt easing, their anger abating.

For clients in life crisis, I offer one-on-one healing retreats. In one week, you can completely change the trajectory of your life. What would that be worth? Don’t you owe it to yourself?

As I explore in the next chapter, ‘It’s not your fault’, so many of your life difficulties are the result of emotional programming in your brain. You are literally hard-wired to react in certain ways. The hard-wiring doesn’t just affect your emotions, it also controls many of your body reactions, motivations and behaviours.

Science can now tell us exactly how this programming works in the brain – and why – and how we can heal ourselves to erase these unhelpful ‘programs’ that drive our life. This is the understanding that underpins my healing practice.

I see my clients leaving their past behind and floating free to shine as the very best version of themselves. They are liberated and energized to offer their gifts, and to find renewed meaning and purpose in life.

The ripple effects are enormous. They literally transform the relationships around them. They bring out the best in others, create loving relationships, and inspire others to change.

So this decision is not just for you. It’s also making a commitment to create a more beautiful world around you. This may be the greatest gift you ever give your loved ones.

Are you ready to fulfill your life purpose? Do you want to be free? It’s time to heal.

If you want to read more, you can purchase and download the full book here